Boots on the Ground 1918

This blog has been created primarily for the purpose of discussing all topics related to military history. My own areas of interest are the United States' involvement in the Great War, European Imperialism, and Italian military history. This blog will also serve as a learning tool for my students.

Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

08 June 2007

Article on Interdisciplinary Education

My teaching partner and I wrote this article about our experiences teaching in LaSalle University's interdisciplinary Doubles Program.

Ancient China

Chinese Terracotta Tomb Soldiers

Ancient India

The Buddha

Cold War

The Atomic Bomb

07 June 2007

Second World War

06 June 2007

Islamic World

The Ka'ba


Emperor Napoleon

05 June 2007

Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt

The Sphinx and Pyramids of Giza

04 June 2007

Roman Empire

Emperor Augustus